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  • Published Date

    September 3, 2022
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BEST IN EMS Acadian *** Acadian AIR 1.800.259.3333 Acadian is the only ambulance service in Louisiana to hold accreditations from both the Commission on Accreditation of Ambulance Services and the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems, our industry's most stringent accreditation agencies. That means Acadian exceeds the gold standard in EMS training. equipment, protocols and medics. TRUST ACADIAN The ONLY employee-owned and nationally accredited ambulance service in Louisiana. ESOP camts Membership Program King Acadian Sign up or renew by September 9. Ambulance Service | 1.800.256.JOIN (1.800.256.5646) Acadian Ambulance Service 50 EST. 1971 BEST IN EMS Acadian *** Acadian AIR 1.800.259.3333 Acadian is the only ambulance service in Louisiana to hold accreditations from both the Commission on Accreditation of Ambulance Services and the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems , our industry's most stringent accreditation agencies . That means Acadian exceeds the gold standard in EMS training . equipment , protocols and medics . TRUST ACADIAN The ONLY employee - owned and nationally accredited ambulance service in Louisiana . ESOP camts Membership Program King Acadian Sign up or renew by September 9 . Ambulance Service | 1.800.256.JOIN ( 1.800.256.5646 ) Acadian Ambulance Service 50 EST . 1971