Membership Fregram Acadian -Ambulance Service On Call Ambulance Services Savings Network Medical Alert Discount Access thousands of discounted products and services from local Systems Receive a 30% discount on billed ambulance charges. and national businesses Movies and concet tickets Groceries and dining Retail and shopping Home services Save 10% on monthly monitoring rates. Acadian Total SPECIAL Acadian Total Security Travel and rental cas FFER VIP Phone Line Security Auto repair Enjoy exclusive access to specialized customer service and billing assistance. Security system startup fee waived (a $99 value) PROTECTED Health and wellness Phones and electronics Acatian Anbiance Service s not an agent of Abenty, orovides no wantes ed to the eices provided by Abenty and hereby decame any by with regird te he service rovied by a epty nd wh new alam acoount activation Offers and sevices are suet o hang anotce Join or renew membership by September 6. Visit or call 1.800.256.JOIN (1.800.256.5646). Membership Fregram Acadian -Ambulance Service On Call Ambulance Services Savings Network Medical Alert Discount Access thousands of discounted products and services from local Systems Receive a 30% discount on billed ambulance charges. and national businesses Movies and concet tickets Groceries and dining Retail and shopping Home services Save 10% on monthly monitoring rates. Acadian Total SPECIAL Acadian Total Security Travel and rental cas FFER VIP Phone Line Security Auto repair Enjoy exclusive access to specialized customer service and billing assistance. Security system startup fee waived (a $99 value) PROTECTED Health and wellness Phones and electronics Acatian Anbiance Service s not an agent of Abenty, orovides no wantes ed to the eices provided by Abenty and hereby decame any by with regird te he service rovied by a epty nd wh new alam acoount activation Offers and sevices are suet o hang anotce Join or renew membership by September 6. Visit or call 1.800.256.JOIN (1.800.256.5646).