LIGHT... CAMERA.. GUMBO 30TH ANNUAL WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP GUMBO COOKOFF DOWNTOWN NEW IBERIA SATURDAY, OCT. 12 Children's Activities Fun jumps, All Aboard Kiddie Train, Face Painting -SK Roux Run Youth Gumbo Cookoff GUMBO SUNDAY, OCT. 13 Gumbo Cookoff with 90+ Gumbos Children's Activities Fun jumps, All Aboard Kiddle Train Face Patnting .Gene Delafose & French Rockin Boogie Dwayne Dopsie &Zydeco Hellraisers Serving at 1lam. ALL DAY. 8am ALL DAY. Serving at 3pm. Cajun Creole Food Fest & Meanest Beans Cookoff 10am-1230pm 1nam-3pm Chubby Carrier & The Bayou Swamp Band 1lam-ipm. pm-330pm 337 130pm-4pm. Broken Meaux Jo 430pm-730pm. Food, soft drinks and beer will be sold. Noice chests or pets,please. LA Roxx 8pm-10pm 4pm-6pm Cooking Demonstrations & Tasting Tickets $25 each avatlable through lbertaChamberorg BERIA PARISI1 Convention& VisttoRs BuReau LQUISIANA LME NNYCO Feed Your Soul TABASCO BRAND SAUCE Super1 Foods NEWS15 MUSSON PATOUT) LEGACY SPONSOR AUTOMOTIVE BERIABANK Cypress COX Bayou Casino Hotel PRESENTING SPONSOR LIGHT... CAMERA.. GUMBO 30TH ANNUAL WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP GUMBO COOKOFF DOWNTOWN NEW IBERIA SATURDAY, OCT. 12 Children's Activities Fun jumps, All Aboard Kiddie Train, Face Painting -SK Roux Run Youth Gumbo Cookoff GUMBO SUNDAY, OCT. 13 Gumbo Cookoff with 90+ Gumbos Children's Activities Fun jumps, All Aboard Kiddle Train Face Patnting .Gene Delafose & French Rockin Boogie Dwayne Dopsie &Zydeco Hellraisers Serving at 1lam. ALL DAY. 8am ALL DAY. Serving at 3pm. Cajun Creole Food Fest & Meanest Beans Cookoff 10am-1230pm 1nam-3pm Chubby Carrier & The Bayou Swamp Band 1lam-ipm. pm-330pm 337 130pm-4pm. Broken Meaux Jo 430pm-730pm. Food, soft drinks and beer will be sold. Noice chests or pets,please. LA Roxx 8pm-10pm 4pm-6pm Cooking Demonstrations & Tasting Tickets $25 each avatlable through lbertaChamberorg BERIA PARISI1 Convention& VisttoRs BuReau LQUISIANA LME NNYCO Feed Your Soul TABASCO BRAND SAUCE Super1 Foods NEWS15 MUSSON PATOUT) LEGACY SPONSOR AUTOMOTIVE BERIABANK Cypress COX Bayou Casino Hotel PRESENTING SPONSOR