By Popular Demand Place your order for Thanksgiving from Vern's Bar-B-Que and Catering. Mesquite Smoked Brisket 1/2 Order = 5# feeds 16-20 $1000 10# Special feeds 25-30 Vern's Bar-B-Que & Catering, LLC Verns Ba Quel Mesquite Smoked St. Louis Spare Ribs $150 $22 per slab Whole Slabs Only Thanking you in advance for your patronage of Vern's Bar-B-Que and Catering Order early the deadline is November 14. Call Vern or Debbi at (337) 380-7557, or email to By Popular Demand Place your order for Thanksgiving from Vern's Bar - B - Que and Catering . Mesquite Smoked Brisket 1/2 Order = 5 # feeds 16-20 $ 1000 10 # Special feeds 25-30 Vern's Bar - B - Que & Catering , LLC Verns Ba Quel Mesquite Smoked St. Louis Spare Ribs $ 150 $ 22 per slab Whole Slabs Only Thanking you in advance for your patronage of Vern's Bar - B - Que and Catering Order early the deadline is November 14 . Call Vern or Debbi at ( 337 ) 380-7557 , or email to vernscatering @@