Bored with retirement? Have a few hours to spare? If you're 55 years or older, join our RSVP team. We welcome your time, talent and expertise. Become an AmeriCorps Seniors volunteer today! Call 337-365-8151 SMILE community PARTNERSHIP SMILE COMMUNITY ACTION AGENCY Baa AmeriCorps Seniors SMILE is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Bored with retirement ? Have a few hours to spare ? If you're 55 years or older , join our RSVP team . We welcome your time , talent and expertise . Become an AmeriCorps Seniors volunteer today ! Call 337-365-8151 SMILE community PARTNERSHIP SMILE COMMUNITY ACTION AGENCY Baa AmeriCorps Seniors SMILE is an Equal Opportunity Employer / Program . Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities .