With 12 Years experience as Deputy Coroner for Iberia Parish, his qualifications speak for themself... Dr. Patrick "Shawn" Baquet For Chief Coroner of Iberia Parish WE NEED YOUR VOTE ON OCT 14TH #83 Elect Dr. Patrick Shawn BAQUET Iberia Parish CORONER Paid ad by friends to elect Dr. Patrick Shawn Baquet Coroner For more information or to help with Dr. Baquet's Campaign email ElectShawnCoroner@gmail.com Elect Dr. Patrick Shawn BAQUET 2023 #83 CORONER f Qualifications & Work History: Family Practice (Self-employed, MD, Iberia Parish) 2005 to Present Deputy Coroner (Iberia Parish) 2011 to Present Iberia Medical Center (Family Medicine) 2005 to Present -Loreauville, Rural Health Clinic (Collaborative Physician) 2011 to Present .LSUHSC - MD (Medical Doctorate) SLU - MBA (Masters of Business Admin) .NLU - BA Pre-Law (Bachelor Business Admin Pre-Law) Past Positions: Iberia Medical Center: Vice Chief of Staff, Medical Staff Treasurer, Executive Committee, Credential Committee New Iberia Manor North: Medical Director Dauterive Hospital: Medical Staff Emergency Staffing Solutions (Emergency Dept.): Franklin Medical Center, Bunkie General Hospital, Citizens Medical Center, Iberia Extended Care Hospital Community Involvement: Volunteer, Donor, and/or Medical Volunteer (Past & Present) Catholic High School (CHS) Habitat for Humanity Creative Leaming Center . LA Spolts Association Tar Wars Anti-Tobacco Campaign CHS Fishing Team (Co-organizer & boat Captain) MemberCCA Westgate High School New Iberia Senior High (NISH) Evangeline Little League Iberia Soccer Association Jeneen & I humbly ask for your VOTE on Oct 14th. Thank You, Dr. Shawn With 12 Years experience as Deputy Coroner for Iberia Parish , his qualifications speak for themself ... Dr. Patrick " Shawn " Baquet For Chief Coroner of Iberia Parish WE NEED YOUR VOTE ON OCT 14TH # 83 Elect Dr. Patrick Shawn BAQUET Iberia Parish CORONER Paid ad by friends to elect Dr. Patrick Shawn Baquet Coroner For more information or to help with Dr. Baquet's Campaign email ElectShawnCoroner@gmail.com Elect Dr. Patrick Shawn BAQUET 2023 # 83 CORONER f Qualifications & Work History : Family Practice ( Self - employed , MD , Iberia Parish ) 2005 to Present Deputy Coroner ( Iberia Parish ) 2011 to Present Iberia Medical Center ( Family Medicine ) 2005 to Present -Loreauville , Rural Health Clinic ( Collaborative Physician ) 2011 to Present .LSUHSC - MD ( Medical Doctorate ) SLU - MBA ( Masters of Business Admin ) .NLU - BA Pre - Law ( Bachelor Business Admin Pre - Law ) Past Positions : Iberia Medical Center : Vice Chief of Staff , Medical Staff Treasurer , Executive Committee , Credential Committee New Iberia Manor North : Medical Director Dauterive Hospital : Medical Staff Emergency Staffing Solutions ( Emergency Dept. ) : Franklin Medical Center , Bunkie General Hospital , Citizens Medical Center , Iberia Extended Care Hospital Community Involvement : Volunteer , Donor , and / or Medical Volunteer ( Past & Present ) Catholic High School ( CHS ) Habitat for Humanity Creative Leaming Center . LA Spolts Association Tar Wars Anti - Tobacco Campaign CHS Fishing Team ( Co - organizer & boat Captain ) MemberCCA Westgate High School New Iberia Senior High ( NISH ) Evangeline Little League Iberia Soccer Association Jeneen & I humbly ask for your VOTE on Oct 14th . Thank You , Dr. Shawn