The Baily Iberian Thanks for nominating us for Best Teche 2022 Best of the Reader's Choke Teche 2022! Voting starts July 10th at Driving accident-free pays { ${{ $ > Allstate gives you money back every 6 months you're accident-free. Yep, and no other company does that. Sign up for Safe Driving Bonus® today. Call me to learn more. Wendy Lacour 337-365-8156 401 East St. Peter St. New Iberia Have any other coverage needs? Allstate. Call any time. You're in good hands. Not available in every state. Feature optional Subject to terms & conditions. Alstate property and casualty insurance co.©2018 alistate insurance co SIZES The Baily Iberian Thanks for nominating us for Best Teche 2022 Best of the Reader's Choke Teche 2022 ! Voting starts July 10th at Driving accident - free pays { $ { { $ > Allstate gives you money back every 6 months you're accident - free . Yep , and no other company does that . Sign up for Safe Driving Bonus® today . Call me to learn more . Wendy Lacour 337-365-8156 401 East St. Peter St. New Iberia Have any other coverage needs ? Allstate . Call any time . You're in good hands . Not available in every state . Feature optional Subject to terms & conditions . Alstate property and casualty insurance co . © 2018 alistate insurance co SIZES