
In September, 2010, the Iberia Cultural Resources Association spearheaded a campaign to join forces with the Bayou Teche Museum and the Shadows-on-the-Teche to form the Iberia Preservation Alliance. This Alliance was formed in an effort to coordinate and support the three organizations’ mutual interest in the preservation of the history and culture of New Iberia. These three entities of Bayou Teche Museum, Iberia Cultural Resources and Shadows-on-the-Teche retain their independent fundraisers, but do share efforts and proceeds on two joint Alliance fundraisers a year as part of the Iberia Preservation Alliance. The Preservation Alliance may possibly partner with other entities on specific projects. For example, the “New Iberia Beneath the Balconies,” takes place every Fall, together with the City of New Iberia's Main Street Program, the Iberia Parish Convention and Visitors Bureau, the New Iberia Berry Queens, and the Downtown Merchants .All entities help to promote this event. The second Alliance project takes place in the Spring and is called "Dave Robicheaux's Hometown Literary Festival". The organization holds four one-hour meetings a year at which it often presents outstanding programs and historical lectures. Our volunteer staff works diligently all year long to coordinate events with other nonprofit civic and cultural organizations.

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